4 New Year’s Resolutions You Must Keep - Love Boo

4 New Year’s Resolutions You Must Keep

We are all super busy. Between work commitments, family commitments and the never ending washing basket to get through, finding time to look after yourself can sometimes feel like an impossible task.

We all have plans, dreams, resolutions running around our heads at this time of year, those things in life we would like to improve or do better. However, trying to complete them, finding time to fit them in to your everyday life, is something we all too often find excuses for not doing.

This year, instead of giving yourself an impossible list of resolutions, pick one or two habits you would like to form – nothing too ‘out there’, and then keep a record each month of how you get on so that you can see your progress as the year goes on.

New Year’s Resolutions You Must Keep

Get More Sleep

Yes, I know, night feeds and waking toddlers can put a spanner in the works with this one, however you can take some of this into your own hands with setting yourself a more sensible bedtime.

Switch off phones in the evening and allow yourself time to unwind, and try not to have phones/electronics in the bedroom either. Reducing your bedtime Twitter and Facebook habit will allow you to relax quicker and encourage sleep to come much easier.

Read More Books

I often hear my friends say they just don’t have time to read anymore. Yet, making time to read is so important as, essentially, it’s you, making time for you. Putting aside time in your week to get lost in a novel, biography or self-help book of your choice is a perfect way of saying ‘I value myself and am worth looking after’.

Try Something New Each Month

This one is easy. Every adult I know has hundreds of new things they’d love to try. Just pick one each month and see how you get on. You never know, you may even end up with a new favourite hobby.

Cook New Foods

Many New Year goals revolve around healthy eating/losing weight. Instead of looking at this diet change as one of deprivation and a lack of things you love to eat, approach it as a chance to learn how to cook something new. Get your friends to recommend their favourite recipe, food blog or cook book and set yourself the goal of cooking one new dish a week.

No matter what you do, enjoy 2017. Make memories, have fun and cherish the friends and family you hold dear.

Happy New Year!

Hey there, couldn’t help noticing you’re using Internet Explorer

That’s great and all, and we commend you for pushing through with it. Unfortunately we no longer offer support for IE; it hasn’t received a major update since 2015 and Microsoft are dropping support for it later in the year.

If you’re using Windows 10 and want to stick with a built in browser, please consider switching to Edge. Or, if you really want to enjoy the internet properly we strongly recommend downloading Google Chrome here.